Paint with Soil:

Soils are vital natural resources with numerous colors that enhance landscapes and serve as pigments in bricks and pottery. The combination of colors with vegetation, sky, and water enhances the beauty of our daily lives. Often overlooked, these colors are present in our daily lives, enhancing the beauty of our landscapes.

The dominant “earth colors” in the works of great artists make soil painting a fascinating and creative opportunity for all ages of students, showcasing their artistic abilities.


  • Soil
  • Hammer 
  • Mallet
  • Mortar
  • Pestle
  • Paper cups
  • Pencils 
  • Ink pens
  • Paint brushes
  • Sponges 
  • Rags
  • Water color paper 
  • Masking tape



  • The task involves collecting soils of different colors.
  • Place each dried soil sample on a paper and crush it into pieces using a hammer or mallet. 
  • Crush crushed soil into a fine powder using a rubber-tipped pestle, then repeat for all colored soils. 
  • Observe the colors and textures of different soils by placing them in paper cups.


  • Sketch art on water color paper with a pencil, then use ink for permanent lines when satisfied with the composition.
  • Secure paper edges to a table or board using masking tape to ensure the artwork drys flat.
  • Experiment with artist acrylic in paper cups, adding soil to achieve different color depths and mixing different soils.
  • Utilize various sizes and types of paint brushes, sponges, and rags for different applications.


Apply soil paint and use a black ink pen to layer colors on your dry artwork for finishing touches.

Activity Time:

It takes about 1 hour Time.

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